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Constitution and Bylaws of the

India Music Arts and Cultural Society

(This is the Initial Constitution. Updated and Ratified Constitution will be available soon)

University of Texas at Arlington

Article I - Name

  1. This organization shall be called the India Music Arts and Cultural Society.
  2. The  India Music Arts and Cultural Society shall be governed by this Constitution, together with amendments to the same, and by the Bylaws enacted to provide for those governmental functions of a more routine nature.
  3. The Bylaws of this organization shall be adopted and changes thereto enacted by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the active members of the organization.
  4. The provisions of this constitution shall be subordinate to those of the Constitution and Bylaws of the India Music Arts and Cultural Society
Article II - Purpose
  1. The purpose of this organization shall be to create awareness about Music, Art and Culture through the free interchange of information of interest to members of this Organization.
    1. To promote the cooperation and free  interchange of information about Indian music, art and culture among students, specialists, and the public in the best professional tradition.
    2. To introduce University students to Indian music, culture and art through  their publications, concerts and workshops.
    3. To develop and maintain the integrity and competence of individuals engaged in the practices and study of Indian Music.
    4. To provide services that cater to the specific needs of the student members at the University so that they may better study and advance the  theory and practice of Indian Music, Art and Culture.



      Article III - Membership

  1. Membership in this Organization shall be open only to current students, faculty and/or staff at the University of Texas at Arlington.
  2. Membership shall be granted upon completion of an application and payment of organization dues.
  3. Dues shall be fixed annually by the Executive Council, and as stated in the bylaws.
  4. All current Members shall have voting privileges equal to one vote.
  5. Eligibility for membership shall not be restricted according to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, or physical/mental disability.
Article IV - Consultants
  1. This Organization may recognize alumni and honorary affiliates as consultants for the purpose of extending assistance in areas directly related to organization activities, fund-raising, ceremonies, and promotions of the organization.
  2. Consultants may not hold office within the Executive Council, nor shall they vote on any matter before the Executive Council.
Article V - Executive Council
  1. The Executive Council consists of the following officers of the orgnization: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Faculty Advisor. The officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. Votes shall be performed by secret ballot and there shall be no voting proxies allowed. They shall take office at the start of the  semester after the Annual Meeting and shall terminate one year hence.
  2. Any one member may not serve in the offices of President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer for more than two consecutive years. He/she must be capable and willing to performing his/her duties in office for a minimum of two long semesters.
  3. The Faculty Advisor shall be  from the University of Texas at Arlington staff.
  4. Duties of officers shall be cited in the Organization Bylaws.
  5. The Executive Council shall act for the organization in all matters except election of officers.
  6. The Executive Council shall appoint officers to fill vacancies that occur between Annual Meetings in accordance with the bylaws.
Article VI - Meetings
  1. Meetings shall be held as planned by the Program Committee.
  2. Minutes of all executive Committee meetings shall be available for inspection by any member of this organization and shall be filed with the organization records.
  3. The Annual Meeting shall be held between the fourth and sixth week preceding the end of the spring semester of every year. The election of officers will be held, and the Secretary and Treasurer shall give their reports.
  4. Written notices shall be distributed to all members at least three days prior to any meeting.
  5. No business shall be conducted at a general meeting  without a quorum. A quorum shall consist of more than one-third (1/3) of the members of the Organization.
  6. Meetings shall be conducted as stated in their Organization Bylaws.
Article VII - Cost of Membership
  1. The cost of membership for each new member shall be stated in the Organization Bylaws.
  2. Allocation of Organization funds shall be as stated in the Organization Bylaws.
Article VIII - Committees
  1. Standing Committees shall be Program, Publicity and Nominating.
  2. The Program Committee shall plan and arrange general meetings of this Organization in accordance with apparent membership interests and the aims of this Organization
  3. The Publicity Committee shall maintain a mailing list and publish and distribute all notices and publicity of this Organization.
  4. The Nominating Committee, appointed at least one month before the Annual Meeting by the Organization President, shall consist of three members of this Organization, two of whom shall not be members of the Executive Council. At the Annual Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall present at least one nomination for each office, other nominations from the floor will be honored, and elections will be held.
  5. The President, with the approval of the Executive Council, may appoint such temporary committees and chairpersons of such committees as he/she deems appropriate.
Article IX - Affiliations This organization is not affiliated to any other organization within or outside of University of Texas at Arlington. Article X - Advisor There shall be an Advisor to the Organization selected from the staff of University of Texas at Arlington whose duties shall be as described in the Bylaws. Article XI - Ratification and Amendment
  1. Constitution Ratification and Revisions
    1. This Constitution shall become effective immediate upon ratification by a two -thirds (2/3) vote of the Members of this Organization.
    2. This Constitution shall remain in effect until revised or amended.
    3. Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by any member of the Organization at a general or special meeting. The proposed amendments shall be discussed and a vote for further discussion shall be taken; a simple majority of the active members present shall determine that consideration. On approval, the proposed amendment shall be formally framed by the Executive Council.
    4. Revisions framed shall be distributed in writing two weeks prior to the ratification meeting to the entire active membership of the Organization, together with appropriate commentaries.
    5. A vote for Constitution amendments will be held four to six weeks preceding the end of the fall semester as needed. At least one-half (1/2) of the Members of the Organization must be present at the meeting and a two - thirds (2/3) favorable vote of those present is required to pass amendments.
    6. The revision shall become effective immediately upon completion of the passing amendment ratification vote.
    7. Each Constituional amendment must be voted on seperatly.

  1. Amendments to Bylaws
Amendments to the Bylaws shall be made in the following manner:
    1. Amendments framed according to the previous section shall be distributed in writing two weeks prior to a general meeting to the entire active membership of the Organization, together with appropriate commentaries.
    2. This general meeting will be held four to six weeks preceding the end of the fall semester as needed.
    3. The proposed amendment shall be read at this general meeting and voted upon.
    4. At least one-half (1/2) of the Members of the Organization must be present at this meeting. Two-thirds (2/3) of those present and voting shall be required to pass the amendment.
Article XII - Rules and Regulations This Organization will function in accordance with all University rules and regulations. Bylaws

Scope of the Bylaws

    1. These Bylaws shall govern the conduct of the Organization in those matters not specifically treated in the Constitution.
    2. Provisions of these Bylaws shall be subordinate to those of the Constitution.
Section 1: Name

The name of this organization shall be as stated in the Constitution.

Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be as stated in the Constitution.

Section 3: Consultants

Consultants shall be as stated in the Constituition.

Section 4: Executive Council

    1. The Executive Council meeting shall be open to all of the membership.
    2.  The prospective  Executive Council President  must be a member of this Organization before comencement of the Spring semester.
    3. The duties of the Executive Council shall be to carry out the purposes and objectives of the Organization and the expressed policies and desires of the general membership of the organization.
    4. Every member of the Executive Council has an equal vote during Executive meetings. The Faculty Advisor will break ties.
    5. The Executive Council shall have the authority to execute business as outlined in these Bylaws.
    6. In the event of a vacancy of an officers position, the pro tempore officer shall have no voting rights on the Executive Council. If the vacancy is to be for a period greater than one semester, then an election shall be held, in accordance with the annual election, not greater than four weeks from the time of the vacancy or from the start of the semester which ever is more convenient for the Organization. During this time the faculty advisor shall have overruling vote privileges.
Duties and Responsibilities i) The President shall: (a) Supervise and control all of the business and affairs for the Organization.

(b) Coordinate the activities of the Council to ensure implementation of all tasks and maintain constant communications with members and nonmembers.

(c) Call meetings whenever necessary and preside at all regularly scheduled meetings of this Organization and of its Executive Council.

(d) Make no motions nor vote on any questions unless the members present shall be equally divided. In this case, he/she shall cast the vote to break the tie.

(e) Create or abolish such Committees of this Organization as deemed appropriate in pursuing the purpose of the Organization and appoint all Committee Chairpersons, except the Chairperson of the Program Committee.

(f) Promote growth of Indian Music, Art and Culture at the University of Texas at Arlington.

(g) Perform such duties as may be delegated to him/her by the Executive Council.

(i) Appoint pro tempore officers in the event of a vacancy with the approval of the remaining executive council.

ii) The Vice-President shall: (a) Assist the President in every way possible.

(b) Assume the duties of the President in the event of the President's absence, disability, or at the request of the President. In doing so he/she shall acquire all the authority of and be subject to the restrictions upon the President.

(c) Perform such duties as may be delegated to him/her by the President or Executive Council.

(d) Assist in developing programs to enhance the growth of the Organization.

(e) Act as Chairperson of the Program Committee.

(f) Supervise all committees.

(g) Review brief synopses created by the Secretary  and Treasurer  for the Organization.

iii) The Secretary shall: (a) Record and produce detailed minutes of all Organization meetings and distribute these minutes to all members of the Executive Council.

(b) Keep an accurate and up-to-date account of members at all times.

(c) Prepare agenda for all meetings.

(d) Keep and/or write all correspondence.

(e) Keep and /or write any other written records as required.

(f) Promote growth of the Organization.

(g) Compile a brief synopsis of semester activities for the Organization and submit it to the Vice-President for his/her review.

(h) Perform such duties as may be delegated by the President or the Executive Council.

(i) Chair the publicity committee.

iv) The Treasurer shall: (a) Collect dues, pay all bills approved by the Executive Council and maintain all financial records.

(b) Track for all members the date of when their dues expire.

(c) Approve all expenditures with the President.

(d) Generate fund raisers to enhance the financial status of the Organization.

(e) Prepare the Annual  Report for approval by the Executive Council, and shall produce a financial statement as requested.

(f) Compile a brief synopsis of financial status and submit it to the Vice-President for his/her review.

(g) Perform such duties as may be delegated by the President or the Executive Council.

Section 5: Meetings

The Executive Council shall hold a meeting at least once a month. Section 6: Membership
    1. Membership of this organization shall be as stated in the constitution.
    2. Membership dues are for one year. Dues shall in no case exceed $10.
    3. The faculty advisor shall be exempt from annual dues.
    4. If a member's dues cannot be paid at the end of one year from when they were last paid, they can make a written plea to the Executive Council for a one month waiver. The Executive Council will make a decision based on relevant information to either grant the waiver or render the member inactive.
    5. If a member's annual dues run out between semesters, they will have one week from the first day of classes to pay annual dues or he/she will become inactive.